Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Booky World

Just finished reading "Atlas Shrugged" for the 3rd time and it still remains a momentous piece of literature. I was falsely assuming that my world views had changed over the years....that I wouldn't be able to associate myself with the extreme circumstances described in the novel, that I had wizened (?) from the last time I had read it. I heartily admit that allz status quo. In fact I can actually find patches of the extreme social behavior described in it in my own world. But I will refrain from delving into the details because I really find it all too depressing and furthermore I am not qualified enough to actually post a commentary on this great book and its social relevance to today. So I will leave the heavy lifting to the experts which I understand are far and wide.....Though I can't stop myself from quoting a line which I find particularly fantastic :

Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction,check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.

I'll leave the bakar on this particular book at that but keeping to the topic of books. I finally managed to join the local public library last weekend and I am now free to plunder its wealth "at the walk of a few steps" rather than the more popular cousin of this phrase "at the click of a button". The problem though is that, hence empowered, I have no idea of what to do with that power. And its precisely here that I would like to take a Jab at our political system and at the world in general...The people in power more often than not don't know how to use that power constructively. And thus as a living proof of that, I wandered the great halls filled with books from all walks of life unable to decide on what I should be looking for. Finally the cobwebs in my head cleared, and I settled for a piece of Science Fiction by Arthur C. Clarke. Also picked up "The Google Story". I am already halfway through the prior and intend on hitting the library again this weekend to replenish my stock. Current favorite : science fiction.

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