Thursday, August 02, 2007


What does bored to death mean? Let's see what it could possibly imply :

1) That you are bored and you wanna die. Okie now here I have justed picked up the keywords of the question, put them in a mixer added a few other words like that,and etc. and just let the motor of the mixer do the sentence formation. So this is obviously as correct an explanation as the answer to one of the essay type questions in your civics paper.

2) That you were killed by a hole drilled in your body. Now that sure is quiet a possible meaning in a horror flick. But lets not get into imaginary perverts and their drilling machines. Its too gory a picture.

3) Another one from the mixer. The person sitting next to you in a train is a chatter box and he has been going on and on ,like all chatter boxes have the legal right to do, about how his job sucks and his wife is cheating on him and the neighbors dog shits in his lawn and so an so forth and the only ray of hope, as you see it, to survive from this excruciating mental torture is to die and go to heaven. Okie hell for you. Yes we are getting close.

But lets not get too close to the actual meaning lest we offend the phrase and it in turn accepts one of the above mentioned explanations and in the process dies.

PS : I am bored to death, whatever that means. You happy now Mr. Phrase?

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